I had the privilege today of voting in the Alberta Elections at an advanced poll in Edmonton-Whitemud. I was very pleased to hear that the voter turnout in the advanced polls had already eclipsed the results from last year, and I am impressed as always with the quantity and experience of volunteers that worked at the poll.
I was disappointed, though, when I saw the following sign at the polling station that laid out the conditions for voter eligibility:
Though the quality of the photo is poor, the instructions are listed in six languages. I recognized English, German, and Spanish, but I was unfamiliar with the other three (though I believe one to be mandarin). Notably absent from the poster was French.
According to the 2006 Census of Canada, the most common mother tongues in Alberta are as follows:
- English: 80%
- Various Chinese Languages: 3.0%
- German: 2.6%
- French: 1.9%
- Punjabi: 1.1%
- Tagalog: 0.92%
- Ukrainian: 0.91%
- Spanish: 0.90%
I hope that you address these concerns in future elections.
Thank you very much, and I wish you a smooth election day on Monday.
Michael Ross
April 21, 2012