Thursday, January 16, 2014

Just your friendly neighborhood stats!

The city of Edmonton is very statistician-friendly. As well as having the marvelous open-data catalogue, they also have detailed data sheets on every single one of Edmonton's neighborhoods

Instead of having a big preamble about how much I like Sim City, I figured I'd just jump right into what I ended up doing with Edmonton's stats. Each of the following maps is based on one of the stats collected, and show some pretty cool patterns. (Note: for all maps apart from road conditions, red indicates high values and blue indicates low values)

1. Household Income
 Income Map for Edmonton

Household income ranges from $22,000 to $146,000 average per neighborhood, and the highest income tends to be mostly focused in the southwest of the city. In the southwest it spans across both sides of the river fairly evenly, though the above-average wealth extends farther down into Riverbend and Ellerslie. On the northeast end of the city, though, you can almost trace the river by the precipitous drop in incomes from south to north. Average incomes don't pick up again until about 153rd ave.

2. Property Assessment Value

Property Value Map for Edmonton
There is definitely a correlation between household income and property value, but it isn't necessarily always present. This is particularly noticeable around downtown and just south of downtown, where lots of young professionals are making a good income but are renting. Average neighborhood property values range from $201,000 to $836,000.

3. Road and Sidewalk Conditions

Road Conditions Map for Edmonton
Admittedly, I have no idea what scale is used to measure road and sidewalk conditions. It seems to peak at around 20, and my guess is that higher numbers are good, but that's about as far as I can figure out. (note, here good roads are blue, bad roads are red).

The map for road conditions shows a non-surprising trend where the roads in the outside of the city (the newest roads) are in the best condition, and the roads on the inside are quite a bit worse. Every now and then, though, an inside neighborhood has particularly good road conditions, likely the result of recent work to fix a problematic area. Note: these values are from 2010 data, so if you feel your neighborhood isn't quite as shown in the picture, it's not my fault.

4. Hospitalizations

Hospitalization Rate Map for Edmonton
My best guess for the meaning behind these numbers is that the represent the number of hospitalizations per 1,000 people per year. In Edmonton, they range from 35 to 180.

Unlike the previous maps, the rate of hospitalizations in Edmonton isn't quite so territorial. Most of the city is sitting comfortable around the average, with a notable exception being immediately north-east of downtown (and one bad neighborhood in Mill Woods).

5. People Older than 20 without Grade 9 Education
Missing Grade 9 Education Map for Edmonton
This stat was actually alarming. Likely because I've spent a lot of time on university campuses recently, I've forgotten that some people don't graduate high school. In Edmonton, this value ranges from 4.3% to 41.3%.

This stat correlates very highly with property values and average household income, which makes sense in a way. It's very interesting to see it laid out like this on a map, and I'll leave you to your own conclusions about the ties between wealth and education are.

6. Unemployment
Unemployment Map for Edmonton

2010 Edmonton unemployment was actually fairly impressive. Neighborhood data ranged from 0% to 7.46%, but with an average of 2.69%.

Certainly a lot of the rich areas have tremendously low unemployment, but the rest of the city appears to vary from the average only in certain neighborhoods downtown, with poorer neighborhoods alternating sometimes from high to low unemployment over a distance of only a couple blocks.

I purposefully didn't include statistics that weren't averages or normalized, because though comparing the number of violent crimes between neighborhoods would also have made for a cool map, the differences in size and population would have made straight comparison a bit more difficult. I also excluded rent costs because those were based on 2006 census data, and they were so low compared to today they almost made me cry.

Neighborhood Awards!
Best place to live: Donsdale
Worst place to live: McCauley
The average Edmonton experience: Keheewin
Silliest name: Gariepy (Gary-Epi? Gary-Pee? Silly Gary...)
Least original name: Anything with "West" in it.


Arundeep said...

I see a similar line in household incomes along Mill Creek in NE Mill Woods. Also, that one bad neighbourhood (hospitalizations) is the Mill Woods Town Centre mall and Grey Nuns hospital area. Lots of seniors in apartments—actually the only neighbourhood in Edmonton with no single family dwellings. The peak looks like Allen Gray Continuing Care Centre, on 50 St 38 Ave.

Anonymous said...

Very interesting, though I think you need to expand your maps to include the area south of Ellerslie road.

Anonymous said...

Cool maps! I noted that most of the areas with the highest hospitalization rates are centered around actual hospitals -- where there would likely be extended care residences. Or perhaps there was some issue with the reporting of residence addresses? e.g., people admitted by ambulance may not have had a home address noted at the time, and the reporting might default to the hospital address.

I also note that on the unemployment map, one of the red areas is in Griesbach -- surprising but there's probably an explanation I'm not thinking of.

As for silliest neighbourhood name -- I would vote for "Hairsine" myself. "Gariepy" is a French name and quite easy to pronounce -- "GAIR-eh-pee".

Michael Ross said...


-> The area outside south of the Henday had fairly patchy data (the indicators haven't been updated since 2010), so I didn't include them. Hopefully in the future I can do an update!

-> I suspect reporting errors around hospital do have an impact on that stat, for sure. I can't think of anything off the top of my head for Griesbach, but that's definitely worth looking into.

Anonymous said...

I suspect that the high hospitalization rate in Virginia Park is because of the low population in the area. Any hospitalization will have a large impact on the numbers.

Anonymous said...

Cool charts, but I would recommend placing a scale alongside the plots. Without scales there is no way for the reader to know if the property values range from 200,000 to 500,000 or 100,000 to 1,000,000.

Anonymous said...

To further the comment requesting a scale: it's impossible to tell what the median is. Is green low? High? Yellow? Logarithmic scale? Linear?

It's difficult to put much value in graphics that obscure/obliterate the source information.

daveberta said...

Fascinating maps. Thanks for posting them.

I suspect that the red area north east of downtown on the hospitalization map is the northlands fair grounds and is a result of major events that are held there like K-days/capital ex/Klondike Days.

Anonymous said...

In 2010 Griesbach had closed as a military installation of buildings and some housing,to building a brand new residential community where construction is ongoing at present,January 2014.

Unknown said...

cool maps, would love to have seen my are in there...Hamptons/Glastonbury

Anonymous said...

You could always find a strong correlation between school achievement scores and proximity to river valley and ravines. It's about income.

Evan Noble said...

Hi, very intersting data! I've been looking through the city's data and have not been able to find what I'm looking for. I would like a tabular data set for each specific neighbourhood showing address, assessed value, year of build, house size, lot size, etc. Does something like that exist?

Mark Ballermann said...

Thanks for naming Donsdale the best neighborhood in Edmonton. I completely agree!

Trevor said...

Hey Mike, Thanks for the data (you sent me your spreadsheet a while ago). I used it in my analysis of where in Edmonton to buy a house:


Kory Mathewson said...

Is your spreadsheet data used to make the maps available?

Anonymous said...

Cool maps! PLEASE do maps of when pedestrians are robbed (muggings) - this happened to me and I bet a lot of others would like to know where this is happening!

And I'd have to say Edmonton's silliest neighbourhood name is Rapperswill - it makes me think of some kind of cheap, ghetto beer!

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